How do you get a legal gun license in India?

Getting a gun license in India is not an easy task for common citizens. The concept of gun license in India comes under the arms Act of 1959. Arms Act, 1959 allows  citizens of India to get Non-Prohibited Bore(NPB)

Eligibility Criteria: –

  • The applicant must be a person of Indian nationality.
  • The applicant should have attained the age of 21 years and in the case of junior target shooter the applicant must be of 16 years old.
  • The applicant must be a person of sound mind.
  • The applicant must have a justified reason to hold a gun license – Self-defense, General security, sports shooting and crop protection are some of the reasons for which a person can seek to have a permit for a gun.
  • The applicant should not have past records of any kind of criminal activity.

Procedures to be followed:-

  • First step in getting a gun license is to submit an application. The district superintendent of the relevant state is where one can obtain an application form. The applicant can also submit an online application form.
  • Following the receipt of the application, your address will be verified by the police, and also police will check any prior instances of criminal records.
  • The police will gather information about the applicant such as asking the people in the area or neighborhood if they have witnessed any malevolent behavior or if the person getting involved in fights out of rage.
  • To know if the person who is seeking to have a gun license is mentally sound or not, the DCP interviews  the person. The most common question would be “Why do you need a gun?” is asked to get a satisfying and legitimate reason from the applicant.
  • The interview report will be sent to the crime branch and crime record bureau.

After all the steps are completed and satisfying the DCP with the necessary information, the applicant will get a green signal to have a gun license.


The licensing authority may  refuse to grant License if he believes that the person:

  • To be prohibited by this Act or by any law for the nonce effective from acquiring, having in his possession or carrying any arms or ammunition, or
  • to be of unsound mind, or
  • The person is found unfit for a licence or
  • where the licensing authority deems it necessary for the security of the overall public peace or for public safety to refuse to grant such license.


Gun license is valid for 3 years from the date on which it is granted (unless revoked earlier) and needs to be renewed before one month of the expiry. The license may be granted for a shorter period as well, if the person by whom the license is required desires or if the licensing authority decides. License is renewable from time to time – Even the authority can ask for renewal in between the renewal period for recording purpose.


Apply for Renewal

Follow the below steps to apply for the renewal of the gun license in India.

  • Application for renewal of Arms License in the specified format should be submitted one month before the date of expiry of arms license
  • Apply for renewal using  renewal application form.
  • The licensee should produce his/her weapon and license for inspection at the time of renewal and pay the renewal fees.
  • If the Licensee is a senior citizen, the competent authority may verify physical fitness and mental alertness.
  • Renewal will be done immediately and the necessary thing about renewal will be made in the license.

Do you need more information/support in getting a gun license? Write to us or call us for quick assistance.



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